Thursday, October 27, 2011


I am the 1%.  I did not get an iPod until Christmas of 2006 and even then it was a gift.  I still have it.  The middle button does not work too well but it will do for now.  In fact I will probably use it until it self-destructs or just will not work anymore.

I am the 1%.  I received my first iPhone the first month they came out.  Liz bought it for my birthday during Hurricane Ike in Houston.  We had to wait outside in the parking lot until they called our number to come in the store.  Due to limited power they were only letting a few people in the store at one time.  Hurricane Ike was in 2008.  I still have the same iPhone.

I am the 1%.  I received gift money and paid the balance on a MacBook Pro last Christmas.  I use the computer for my interview projects.  It runs great, it is very easy to use, and it is very portable.  I do not see the need to buy another Mac for a very very very long time.

I am the the 1% who will not run out and buy the latest Apple product the day it comes out.  Those people that are the Mac/Apple fanatics are the 99%.  99% stupid and wasteful.

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