Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday - And So SXSW Begins

I believe I am more anxious for this year's activities more than the past few years.  Perhaps it's because there are so many shows to cover or the fact that I am living in Austin this year.  The last 4 years I was in Houston and I felt more relaxed about the whole affair.  Even in 2009 where, on a Saturday,  I backed up the Oldies Band, The Twang, Roy Head, Barbara Lynn and Andre Williams in one day - hectic day but a very calm Eric.  (BTW - We backed up Andre 3 times that one Saturday.  By the end of it all we were all in another state of mind.)
Please understand: when it comes time for the shows to actually start I will be as cool as a summer day in Point Barrow.  But I do feel the anticipation growing...  Here is today's schedule and I will conduct a post mortem on each of the shows.

Tuesday, March 15:  Mike Stinson and The Working Stiffs will be taking it deep at B.D. Riley's on 6th street at 5:00 PM.  The previous sentence is a conglomeration of what I like to call "witty band banter".  Although we have been called many things "The Working Stiffs" is what Lance came up with.  He is always up for a good (or bad) penis joke.  The phrase "taking it deep" is our way of saying (jokingly in this case) that we will have a rough gig.  I am 100% confident that the show this afternoon will be fun and musically exciting even though it is on 6th street.

Then it's time for Rick Broussard and Two Hoots And A Holler at The Jackalope also located on 6th street about 2 blocks away from Riley's.  We start at 8:00 and play until 10:00.  I am not exactly sure how Rick did it but this is an actual paying gig.  On 6th Street.  On a Tuesday.  Rick.... you Rock!  Two Hoots has never been a disappointment  - the band simply kills every single gig.

The plan for today is to walk my gear from club to club since they are only 2 blocks away from each other.  I guess that is a blessing of 6th Street.  Check back later and I will let you know how Tuesday panned out.  
Ps. I have heard that the Jackalope has very good hamburgers.  We will see my friends, we will see.

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