Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday - The Calm continues

I do have a day job.  My wife and I run a Bed & Breakfast in Austin and although it is not the most "rock n' roll" of jobs it does keep a roof over our heads and does allow the freedom to be a full time musician.  Today is Monday and that means that after breakfast gets served up (courtesy of yours truly) I will be in the yard working.  But it looks like rain so... I could get a much needed haircut but my boy Jake does not work on Mondays.

However there is other gig prep work to do.  I need to piece together a drum set for use at Ginny's Little Longhorn this week as I have a gig there Friday from 5-8:30 and then again on Saturday at 9:00 PM.  I will be getting to that Saturday gig a little late due to an 8:30 show with Mike at G&S.  Rick was kind enough to hire Chris Staples to fill in for me until I get there so I need to have a drum set there for ease of facilitation.  I am a little nervous about leaving my equipment somewhere and not having it with me. After all these instruments are expensive and I have had 2 drums stolen from the back of my truck in the past. I am sure they will be fine when they are sitting at Ginny's.  Plus Sharon says she wants to play them and if they are sitting around the bar I certainly hope she does.

What makes me most nervous about this week is time.  I just finished Paul Schaffer's biography "We'll Be Here For The Rest Of Our Lives" (which was given to me by rock music nut Bill Engel) and he mentions a phrase he calls "the pressure of time".  With so many gigs and so many people in town there could be some real traffic snafus.  I will travel light and by the back streets and luckily some of the back-to-back gigs are fairly close to each other geographically.  But if the showcases start running late then I will be in trouble... I will be facing the pressure of time.

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