Sunday, March 13, 2011

SXSW 2011 - How many gigs is that?!

It's the calm before the storm; the pause that refreshes; a moment to reflect before it all begins again.  Today is Sunday, March 13, 2011 and the day is fairly pleasant.  I am coming off 3 gigs in a row with Mike Stinson and enjoying the break knowing full well that when Tuesday arrives the brunt of this year's SXSW festivities will begin and sleep and sobriety will become elusive for the next 6 days.

I am lucky to be living in Austin where there are gigs and musicians plentiful.  I play drums with Rick Broussard and Two Hoots And A Holler here in Austin and I also drum for Houstonian Mike Stinson (transplanted from L.A.)  I have been playing at SXSW since 2002 when I played 1 show late Saturday morning during "Mojo's Mayhem".  As the years have gone by I've played more shows with more bands.  2005 was a memorable year working with Elizabeth McQueen and my one and only Rue's Antiques show with the Allen Oldies Band.  Each year has had its share of wackiness and great gigs.  This year should prove no different as I am playing 17 performances from Tuesday through Sunday with 4 different bands.  Here is the breakdown:

Allen Oldies Band - 1 gig
Miss Leslie - 2 gigs
Two Hoots and A Holler - 6 gigs
Mike Stinson -   8 gigs
(there may be an added show on Thursday afternoon with Mike @ Ginny's... stay tuned)

While most shows are 30-45 minutes there are a few 3 & 4 hour shows - pacing is the key especially since Two Hoots likes to play the warp speed tempos.  Last year my hands were blistered by the end of it all.  A job well done.

As the week goes by I will attempt to write about each show to keep you informed of the show, the music, and the people at SXSW.  Thanks for reading.

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